I don't always watch Running Man, but when I do, it's because one of my Korean celeb faves is on it. Case in point: this 2012 year-end episode where they had Choi Ji Woo as their guest.
I only knew Choi Ji Woo's face back then when two her dramas had a massive wave of popularity here in the Philippines back in, I'm not sure, 15 years ago? I was only first year in college then, and did not give a damn about "Koreanovelas". Life was pretty fucking boring without k-dramas, that I can say, until I discovered The Hanging Bridge. Hahaha. Will elaborate on that inside joke some other time.
And then last month, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed and read a tweet of this particular vlogger I follow who had something good to say about Twenty Again. I'm always receptive of recommended k-dramas, so I figured to try it.
Long story short, I loved it, and instantly became fond of Choi Ji Woo. I'll save my thoughts about first watching her and my liking for Twenty again in a separate Twenty Again review post.
Just a general impression on Korean celebrities, they are pretty much humble, shy and down to earth in public sightings. I mean, of course, it's only my perception of them, but the way it comes across the screen, it's overwhelmingly natural.
Choi Ji Woo had the same effect on me, except the impact is much more felt because she is a huge star, and a pretty fucking veteran at that. I'm just always in awe of people who are naturally cool when they are not in character.
For me, she's a woman of stature and elegance, and seeing her stumble, getting pushed by RM members on a balance beam, crawling on the sand, just low-key blows my mind okay?? Hahaha.
Choi Ji Woo sits because of fatigue in the above screenshot hahaha. Poor, Choi Ji Woo-ssi :D
I experienced many second-hand embarrassment for this woman because the plot was to make a complete fool out of her hahaha. But the fun in it is that, Choi Ji Woo just spews charm in all of those moments, you really cannot make her a sore loser.
She was innocent until the end, which clearly made it hard for the members to tell her the truth. Hahaha, I really feel Song Ji Hyo it most parts when she was apologizing to CJW but to the camera, and calling her Sunbaenim :) :) :)
They had fireworks, and the RM members got prizes except for her. Everyone was celebratory towards the end but oh dear, look at Choi Ji Woo-ssi's face hahaha. When you think you're a great spy, but the joke's on you in the end :D
This Choi Ji Woo phase is probably going to extend when I start watching Temptation soon :)
Here's a clip of CJW's arrival on the show :)